Effective interaction with children with high functioning Autism: From diagnosis to the classroom

Laura Lyman Debenham

Published Date: 2020-08-31
Laura Lyman Debenham

Great Basin College, USA

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This paper reviews the literature examining benefits of early diagnosis in children with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) and adult interaction from birth through elementary school years. The review highlights the disparity between children who go without a diagnosis and those who are diagnosed early and the efforts of parents, teachers and helping professionals to effectively interact and teach these children. Studies show that children with AS are best served by parents and professionals through early diagnosis. If adults understand symptoms of AS they will be better equipped to aid children who fail to be diagnosed



Laura Lyman Debenham, L.M.S.W. is the coordinator/instructor for the UNR/GBC 3 + 1 Social Work Program. She is the past owner of TBA Think Before Acting where she taught Domestic Violence/Anger Management classes to mostly court-ordered clients in Elko Nevada and surrounding counties. Laura has worked in a variety of settings as a social worker and educator. She has been a school social worker, therapist and family advocate, specializing in autism spectrum disorder. Laura is the mother of a child on the autism spectrum. She is passionate about educating and empowering parents and professionals who deal with autism daily. Laura gives workshops to educators and other professionals on a variety of topics including autism spectrum disorder, marriage counselling, domestic violence and substance abuse..

Speaker Publications:

1. “Interventions to Improve Communication, Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2008 Oct; 17(4): 835–x.doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2008.06.011

2. A naturalistic study of herbal medicine for self-reported depression and/or anxiety a protocol April 2019Integrative Medicine Research 8(2) DOI:10.1016/j.imr.2019.04.007.

2nd European Autism Congress; February 28-29, 2020- Budapest, Hungary.

Abstract Citation:

Laura Lyman Debenham, Effective interaction with children with high functioning Autism: From diagnosis to the classroom, Autism 2020, 2nd European Autism Congress; February 28-29, 2020-Budapest,Hungary (https://autism.psychiatryconferences.com/abstract/202 0/effective-interaction-with-children-with-highfunctioning- autism-from-diagnosis-to-the-classroom)

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