Dr. Sarah Smith
Dr. Sarah Smith
Doctor, Department of neurology, NH hospital for Neurology, UK; E-mail:ssmith85@gmail.com
We are glad for with success organising the “Neurology and Neurological Disorders” that was endured November 11-12, 2020 New York, USA hosted by Conference Series with the theme of “Future views and shaping trends in Gastroenterology”
The conference was inaugurated with the Excellences of keynote speakers
Title: A Glycated core of neuropathology
Gerald H. Lushington, USA
Title: Management of complicated neurofibromatosis
Shahid iftekhar sadique, India
After, with success organising the conference and receiving huge response and delightful comments from the attendees, we tend to ar aspiring to organize “6th Global Congress on Neurology and Neurological disorders” which is able to be command throughout November Nov 11-12, 2020 New York, USA, on the Theme of ” An insight into the Neurology”.
Highlights of the Conference:
Neurology | Autonomic Neurology | Behavioural Neurology | Neurological Disorders | Neurodegenerative Disorder | Clinical Neurophysiology or Physiology | Cognitive Neurology | Computational Neurology | Geriatric Neurology Neural Development | Neurogenetics | Neural Engineering | Neuroimaging | Neuroimmunology | Neurosurgery | Neuropsychiatry | Neuro-Oncology | Pediatric Neurology | Central Nervous System | Neurological Nursing
Supporting Journals:
Journal of Neuroinformatics and Neuroimaging
Journal of Psychology and Cognition
Neurology and Neurological Disorders